Prominent personalities
Since 1782, Budapest University of Technology and Economics has a rich history. Through generations, our rectors have led the institution with excellence and dedication, inspiring thousands of young students.

From 2021 to 2024 he has been the rector of BME, a Széchenyi Prize-winning mechanical engineer and university professor, academic, has been conducting outstanding research in the field of materials testing and mechanical engineering at international level.

He was rector of the University from 2015 to 2021. An academic conducting research in the field of hydraulics and hydromorphology. Graduated from BME in 1981 with a degree in hydraulic engineering.

Széchenyi Prize-winning electrical engineer, who graduated from BME, and led the university as rector between 2008 and 2015. Full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2013.

Széchenyi Prize-winning mechanical engineer, who was the rector of BME between 2004 and 2008. He was responsible for the introduction of training under the Bologna system at BME.

Széchenyi Prize-winning geodesist, who was rector of BME between 1997 and 2004. During his rectorship, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Natural Sciences were established.

Széchenyi Prize-winning geodesist, one of the outstanding figures in Hungarian surveying, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was rector of BME between 1994 and 1997.

Széchenyi Prize-winning mechanical engineer, professor emeritus, renowned academic, who was rector of BME between 1990 and 1994.
Doctor of chemical engineering, university professor, who was first vice rector from 1982 to 1987 and then rector of the University from 1987 to 1990. He is credited with the creation of university foundations.
Nobel Prize winners
Over the years, many distinguished scholars, including Nobel laureates, have visited the university, acquiring the knowledge and inspiration that laid the foundation for their groundbreaking achievements worldwide.

Hungarian physicist, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, who was a student at BME between 1918 and 1920. In 1947 he invented holography, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971.

Professor of chemistry György Oláh received his doctorate from BME in 1949 and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1994 "for his contribution to carbocation chemistry".

Physicist Jenő Wigner enrolled at BME in 1920. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1963 for "advancing the theory of nuclei and elementary particles".

Ferenc Krausz graduated in electrical engineering from BME in 1985. In 2023, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the first attosecond pulse of light to be produced and measured.

Tamás Molnár is a three-time Olympic champion water polo player (Sydney - 2000; Athens - 2004; Beijing - 2008), who attended the Master of Business Administration training programme at BME between 2004 and 2009.

Zoltán Szécsi is a three-time Olympic champion water polo player (Sydney - 2000; Athens - 2004; Beijing - 2008), who graduated from BME in 2002 with a degree in engineering management.

Antal Kovács won the gold medal in the 1992 Olympics (Barcelona) in judo. In the same year he became a student of energy engineering at BME.

Tibor Cservenyák won the gold medal at the 1976 Olympics (Montreal) and the silver medal in 1972 (Munich) for Hungary. In 1975 he graduated as a chemical engineer at BME.

Győző Kulcsár, a four-time Olympic champion fencer (Tokyo - 1964, Mexico City - 1968 (individual and team), Munich - 1972), graduated as a mechanical engineer from BME in 1968.

Zoltán Dömötör won the 1964 Olympic gold medal in water polo in Tokyo. He was an electrical engineering student at BME in 1963.

Olympic champion water polo player László Felkai won a gold medal with his team at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. In 1967 he graduated in electrical engineering from BME.

Imre Nagy pentathlete won the gold medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. Between 1957 and 1968 he worked at BME.

Gábor Delneky received his engineering degree from our university in 1954, and in 1960 he won a gold medal as a fencer at the Olympic Games in Rome.

László Fábián won an Olympic gold medal in pentathlon at the 1956 Seoul Olympics. Between 1957 and 1960 he was a student of mechanical engineering at BME.

Attila Keresztes graduated as a mechanical engineer from BME in 1950. At the 1956 Seoul Olympics, he won a gold medal as a member of the fencing team.

Aladár Kovács became a member of the BME Athletics Team (MAFC) in 1950, and in 1952 he won the Olympic gold medal in pentathlon in Helsinki.

László Rajcsányi is a three-time Olympic champion fencer (Berlin - 1936, London - 1948, Helsinki - 1952), and a qualified mechanical engineer. He received his degree from BME in 1930.

Sándor Tarics won the Olympic gold medal in water polo in Berlin in 1936, and received his engineering degree from BME in the same year.

István Barta water polo player won the gold medal for Hungary at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. He was a mechanical engineering student at BME between 1913 and 1915.

Gyula Glykais, two-time Olympic champion fencer (Amsterdam - 1928, Los Angeles - 1932), was a student of mechanical engineering at BME in 1912.

Sándor Pósta was an athlete of MAFC. He won gold in individual sabre fencing, silver in team fencing and bronze in duel fencing in 1924 at the Olympic Games in Paris.

Lajos Werkner is a two-time Olympic champion fencer (London - 1908, Stockholm - 1912), who graduated in mechanical engineering from BME in 1906.

Alfréd Hajós won the Olympic gold medal in two events (100 m and 1,200 m freestyle swimming) at the 1896 Athens Olympics, and graduated in 1899 with a degree in architecture from BME.