Research groups
MTA-BME Lendület Research Groups
The MTA Lendület Program wishes to strengthen a base of young Hungarian researchers. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences supports young talents and researchers with outstanding performance active in Hungary or returning from abroad in creating their own research team and to continue the operation of such a successfully launched Lendület research team. The general aim of the Lendület program is to provide resources for research teams conducting research with the promise of breakthrough results at the host research site.

Research Groups of the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) and The Office of Supported Research Teams (TKI)
This call wishes to promote research conducted outside the research network at universities, public institutions and public collections, to support scientific workshops, young generations of researchers and instructors as well as research of innovation and with direct social benefit. Eleven BME research teams were awarded support for a period of five years through the HUN-REN application.