Innovation and knowledge centres at the university
High-quality education and research at BME is indicated by the MTA-BME Lendület supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Magyar Kutatási Hálózat (HUN-REN) research network that launches our research groups, and the Élvonal research group launched as part of the Élvonal Research Excellence program. The University operates 67 laboratories accepting market R-D orders on a total floorspace of 30 thousand m2 (equalling 6 football pitches), and houses the country’s largest technical library. The number of teaching staff with an academic degree exceeds 60%, and 200 new doctoral students start their studies every year in our 12PhD schools. A separate unit coordinates our industrial R+D+I activities. BME has won the greatest number of Horizon Europe grant from Hungary so far, which signals the success of our international research. Priority projects are implemented in 7 national laboratories at BME, where a unique Competence Map helps finding scientific partners.
Competence map
BME has developed a unique Competence map to provide international visibility to the results achieved by its research groups and to promote involvement of the researchers in academic, industrial and European research cooperation as well as to find partners for grants. BME’s Competence map offers abundant information about the competence and results of the BME researchers and research groups.
Knowledge centres

In order to present the students’ research results, BME arranges a Student Researcher Conference every year, usually in early November. The success of the young researchers’ program is indicated by the fact that the Hungarian National Bank has offered a mentoring program as a token of its support. The “green” and the “sustainability” TDK sections were added in 2022. High-school students, who participate in the TDK activities already during their secondary school years will be awarded extra credits in the admission process. All TDK activities and relevant news of the faculties are updated at the joint BME TDK portal.

FIEK organises, coordinates and reinforces the university’s innovation activities, significantly expanding the university’s activities. The University provides a legal framework to manage the different areas of the relationship between industry and the University, which have been treated separately until now, in a coherent way and in the context of a long-term strategy (research-development, knowledge transfer, incubation, growth of partnership-networks and international relations). While constructing laboratories to satisfy industrial demands, its function is to nurture the FIEK-project and to operate the Industry 4.0 Technology Centre and BRIDGE, the University’s KFI office in charge of technology and knowledge transfer services.

The BME U[S]³ technology and knowledge transfer, spinoff and startup centre was created to make research results marketable by utilizing research potential related to or stemming from BME. The BME Spinoff Startup studio coordinates the BME’s incubation and industry property activities, and supports the spinoff businesses using research results and the startups created on students’ or teachers’ ideas with training and professional and business development expertise.