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International partnerships

The international network of BME is one of our strategic priorities. We aim to build global partnerships that foster the development of research and educational opportunities, grant collaborations, and various forms of student mobility. Whether through the Central European higher education exchange programme CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies), the 4xTU LIGA — an official forum for regional cooperation — or our involvement in the CESAER organization, a programme that connects higher education institutions in the Baltics and Scandinavia, BME is committed to international collaboration.

We also maintain strong relationships with universities in the USA, Japan, Singapore, and Vietnam, we participate in short mobility programmes like ATHENS, and are members of networks such as T.I.M.E., the World Organization of Francophone Universities (AUF), the European University Association (EUA), and SEFI (the European Society for Engineering Education), which is the largest network of technical higher education institutions in Europe. Notably, as the only Hungarian university, BME is also a founding member of the EELISA University Association.

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