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Watch Hungarian film classics with English subtitles at the BME

2024. 09. 12.

Great films on a big screen in a fine auditorium.

On Thursday 12 September, the first screening of the BME Film Club will take place. Last year's most-watched Hungarian film, Semmelweis, will be on in the Simonyi Károly Hall of the Q building, followed by a weekly screening of the best-known works of Hungarian film history - all of them with English subtitles, by favour of the National Film Institute. On some occasions, guests will join the post-screening discussion.

The programme for the autumn semester:

12 September, 17:15: Semmelweis (Lajos Koltai, 2023)
10 October 17:15: The Fifth Seal (Az ötödik pecsét, Zoltán Fábri, 1976)
17 October 17:15: Control (Kontroll, Nimród Antal, 2003)
31 October 17:15: Mephisto (István Szabó, 1981)
14 November 17:15: Time Stands Still (Megáll az idő, Péter Gothár, 1982)
28 November 17:15: Love (Szerelem, Károly Makk, 1970)

"Semmelweis is the most successful Hungarian film of last year, and it has just been announced that Hungary will nominate it for the Oscars. In addition, I have selected classics and cult films that are good to talk about," says Krisztina Orbán, the club's organiser, expert at the Department of Sociology and Communication at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.

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The first guest will be actress Eszter Balla at the screening of Kontroll, a cult film that premiered 21 years ago. Film critic Péter Váradi Nagy, editor-in-chief of, will be available for discussion about Megáll az idő, while cinematographer Evelin Judit Tóth will talk about Szerelem and how it influenced her and her work, Ms. Orbán said.

The venue is the Simonyi Károly Hall in building Q, participation is free of charge for BME students and staff. For more information, please email to

Rector's Office, Communications Directorate