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A physiotherapy robot, the physics of balance, and an Olympic silver medal – medical challenges meet engineering solutions
2024. 11. 08.
An event titled “Movement is the Source of All Life – Mechanical Engineers in the Service of Health”, held on 30 October, continued the Future Planner.BME series, a scientific outreach initiative by Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).
In addition to education and research, it is also the duty of modern universities to promote science to the public. With this in mind, BME launched a community science event series in June, offering each faculty the opportunity to showcase their work. This time, lecturers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (GPK) presented intriguing talks on collaborative research at the intersection of mechanical engineering and medicine to a full house in the university’s ceremonial hall. The dual purpose was to familiarise the audience with BME’s mechanical engineering research in health science and dispel the stereotype that associates mechanical engineers with oil-stained overalls, wrenches, and machine design and operation.
In his opening address, János Levendovszky, BME’s Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, underscored the importance of community science. He noted that addressing major societal challenges requires an approach grounded in scientifically verified facts, with universities playing a key role in knowledge sharing.

“The mission of a university is to maximise its social and economic impact. In health sciences, this impact reaches the broadest segments of society.
A university that serves society is a good university; one that does not is failing.
For over 243 years, BME has been offering excellence in service to our country and society,” he concluded.
György Paál, Head of the Department of Hydrodynamic Systems at GPK, organised and hosted the event. He began by presenting a snippet from the British comedy group Monty Python’s Life of Brian – the iconic “What have the Romans ever done for us?” scene, followed by a version redubbed with the segment’s question: “What have engineers ever done for healthcare?” The scene’s characters listed numerous innovations fundamental to modern medicine, from electrical imaging devices and X-ray machines to simulation techniques.

"What have they done for us?"
The first speaker, Gábor Debrődi, Director of the National Ambulance Service’s Kresz Géza Ambulance Museum, presented “The Wonders of Technology in Everyday Medicine,” examining 200 years of collaboration between medicine and engineering. He highlighted Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s discovery of X-rays in 1895, a breakthrough adopted by doctors to diagnose diseases and injuries no later than a year after its discovery. Technical advancements also greatly improved diagnostic tools for circulatory problems, as well as ventilators and electrotherapy devices. Debrődi also shared that in 1954, the National Ambulance Service became the first in the world to introduce emergency response vehicles equipped with life-saving technology.

Academician Rita Kiss, Head of the Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Mechanical Engineering Informatics, began her talk by defining biomechanics and providing a brief historical overview. She highlighted the importance of inter- and multidisciplinary research, with doctors, biologists, engineers, and physicists working together to improve quality of life. Offering insight into the phases of collaboration and the division of tasks in research, she explained that engineers are responsible for developing and validating tools and methods for accurately describing phenomena and refining diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Quoting Leonardo da Vinci, who described walking as a “divine and perfect” movement, she explained that walking involves the coordinated effort of 200 bones, 650 muscles, and major joints and ligaments. Her research focuses on the mechanical properties of bones, ligaments, and tendons, as well as on balance and movement analysis. She showcased the capabilities of an 18-camera Optitrack system, which enables precise numerical analysis of pelvic movement and its role in balance compensation.

Movement analysis also has its uses in sports. Kiss recalled the case of Olympic sailor Zsombor Berecz, whose abdominal muscles cramped at the end of a race despite a seemingly perfect motion sequence, affecting his performance. Lab analysis identified a nearly invisible motion error, which was then corrected, contributing to his successful Olympic preparation. She added that movement analysis can even benefit animals. For example, in the case of dogs, care should be taken while using a harness and leash, as holding the leash too tightly can lead to orthopaedic issues.
Dénes Takács opened his presentation with a striking statistic: worldwide, over 37 million falls occur annually, 650,000 of which are fatal, making falls a leading cause of accidental death among the elderly. Through simple task analyses, researchers can gain insights into human balance, which are valuable for diagnosing neurological diseases, improving motion therapy, and enhancing the safety of micromobility vehicles and related traffic regulations. Alongside scientific explanations, videos of tasks performed on skateboards and unicycles brought his lecture to life.

György Paál discussed the department’s primary research areas in haemodynamics, conducted in close collaboration with medical experts. These include studies on cerebral and abdominal aneurysms, carotid and coronary artery stenoses, as well as arterial-venous network modelling. Aneurysms occur when arterial walls weaken, increasing the risk of rupture. This condition affects 3-5% of the population, often with no symptoms, though ruptures can lead to death or paralysis.

“Our main focus is cerebral aneurysm research, in partnership with the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurointervention at Semmelweis University. Many questions remain: Why do aneurysms form? What causes them to grow? Why do ruptures happen? Fluid mechanics is a critical aspect of this complex problem, and it is our main focus,” Paál explained, introducing the audience to various treatment methods. Their research aims to identify patterns in fluid mechanics associated with aneurysm risk and to simulate treatment options. The ultimate goal is to develop medical software to predict treatment outcomes, helping doctors select the most effective interventions.
Carotid artery stenosis, a common condition, not only increases stroke risk but also compromises cerebral blood flow. This research project uses both medical and engineering software to examine and identify correlations between flow patterns, plaque structure, shape, and composition in stenotic arteries. “We have high hopes for significant results soon,” Paál said optimistically.

The event continued with a lecture titled “Reducing Wear in Joint Implants Through Medical-Engineering Collaboration.” by Gábor Szebényi, associate professor at the Department of Polymer Engineering. He noted that the growing use of micromobility devices – and even mobile phone usage – along with increasing life expectancy, has led to a higher demand for prostheses and implants, and consequently, more joint replacement surgeries. This underscores the rising need for improving the quality and wear resistance of implants. He noted that with implant wear, so-called wear debris is released, activating the body's immune response. However, instead of attacking the plastic particles, the immune system’s phagocytic cells target the bone surrounding the implant, causing it to loosen. Researchers from BME and Semmelweis University have collaborated on understanding and mitigating this issue. One approach is to improve implant lubrication with cellular surface structures, while another involves creating compact, flexible designs to slow the wear process. This research has now reached the stage where funding for clinical trials is being pursued.

The final presentation, titled “Neurorehabilitation – Robots Helping Recovery”, was delivered by András Tóth, research fellow at the Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. His research in neurorehabilitation broadens the medical-engineering collaboration to include patients and therapists. For 24 years, the Rehabilitation Clinic at Semmelweis University has been BME’s partner in medical-engineering neurorehabilitation research. The history of rehabilitation robotics dates back to the first industrial robot in the US in 1960, with the MIT-MANUS becoming the first healthcare rehabilitation robot in 1994.

Just six years later, BME coordinated the EU-funded REHAROB project. With the support of several international and Hungarian projects, BME and Semmelweis University researchers have since developed the REHAROB upper-limb rehabilitation robot system, designed to support physiotherapists. The system adapts to patients’ needs, guiding, assisting, or resisting movement exercises depending on their condition and therapeutic goals. Although the prototype is complete, it is not yet commercially available.

The presentations (pdf) can be downloaded here.