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“Encouragement for the academic journey ahead” – Academic Youth Awards Ceremony

2024. 03. 14.

The BME’s latest two academic award winners research recycling of plastic bottles, energy use in buildings and integrated solar power generation.

25 young researchers won the prestigious Academic Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) in 2024. 7 researchers in the humanities and social sciences, 7 in life sciences and 11 in mathematics and natural sciences were among the award recipients. The award ceremony was held on 28 February 2024, in the conference room of the MTA’s Library and Information Centre.

“While an award given to an older researcher is the crowning of a lifelong career and the scientific journey, for a young person it is an encouragement for the academic journey ahead,” Secretary General of the MTA Péter László Kollár welcomed the 25 distinguished researchers. He stressed, among other things, that a researcher must be guided by respect for the past and for their peers, and must also be able and brave enough to question scientific claims that previously believed to be true. “Often times it is questioning the old truths that leads to a new breakthrough,” he added. The Secretary General also pointed out that while a researcher should have a deep understanding of their specialty, they must also be careful not to become narrow-minded and lose their sensitivity to the claims of other disciplines.

MTA’s Vice President of Natural Sciences Ferenc Hudecz also greeted the young scientists at the ceremony, encouraging them that this prestigious award is also a sign that they are on the right track and doing a good job in their academic careers.


The following BME researchers were among the winners of the 2024 MTA Academic Youth Award:


Dániel Gere, Assistant Professor at the Department of Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BME (BME GPK)

The title of his thesis: Future challenges in the recycling of plastic bottles: PET and PLA compatibility options




Miklós Horváth, Associate Professor at the Department of Building Services and Process Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BME (BME GPK)

The title of his thesis: Further development of methods for modelling building energy use and integrated solar power generation based on statistical analysis of consumer patterns




The Academic Youth Award was created in 1972 by the Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to recognise young researchers’ scientific work and achievements. The award is granted for outstanding individual or group achievements in the respective scientific field.  Entries are ranked by the relevant scientific committees of the MTA’s Research Network Scientific Council (AKT). Based on the committees’ opinions, the AKT makes a recommendation to the President of the MTA, who decides on the winners of the award.


Dániel Gere (BME GPK) receives the Academic Youth Award from Péter László Kollár, Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Miklós Horváth (BME GPK) receives the Academic Youth Award from Péter László Kollár, Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Entries for the award can be submitted by researchers under 35 years of age who hold a scientific qualification (PhD degree), are members of the MTA’s public body, and are employees or research fellows of research centres, research institutes, universities or other institutions carrying out scientific research in Hungary, whether funded by the Hungarian state or by foundations. For researchers raising minors, the application age limit is increased by two years per child.


Full list of the 2024 winners at the MTA website.

Congratulations to the award winners and good luck with their future career as educators and researchers at BME.




Photos: – Tamás Szigeti, BME Competence Map, Dániel Gere Linkedin