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Visit of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to BME

2023. 03. 29.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics received a special visit from a delegation from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany on Friday.

Ambassador Julia Gross was accompanied by Krisztina Hodosi-Márton, the Embassy Scientific Coordinator. On BME side theywere welcomed by the university's leadership, Tibor Czigány, the Rector of BME, Emilia Csiszár, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs, János Levendovszky, the Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, and also Dale A. Martin, the President of the EELISA.

Dean Hassan Charaf and Dean Imre Orbulov welcomed the delegation on behalf of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK) and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (GPK) at the meeting where Ambassador Gross met with students who are part of the German Programme at BME. Last year for the first time, the German-Hungarian double degrees were awarded at the University of Technology: the diploma was received by the joint graduates of BME VIK and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

During the visit, Ambassador Gross expressed her appreciation for the university's commitment to innovation and excellence as a hub for education and emphasized the importance of strong ties between Germany and Hungary in the field of education and innovation. She also highlighted that the cooperation between BME and KIT is one of the most valuable examples of successful bilateral higher education relations. Another example of university cooperation between the two countries is Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), a partner university of the EELISA community.

The delegation took a brief tour at the Industry 4.0 Technology Centre, where László Kovács, the Director of the centre introduced relevant BME innovations. The Ambassador also paid a visit to the exhibition „From elementary particles to the space” where Bálint Molnár Communications Director explained the major relics and the historical and scientific milestones of the university’s 240 years.

BME and KIT have been jointly teaching students in German-language engineering courses at BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (BME GPK) and BME Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BME VIK) since 1992.

Students admitted to German-language courses at the two faculties can, if they have sufficient language skills, continue their studies in German for the first 4 semesters, followed by a semester in Karlsruhe, Germany. These students will receive a German language certificate as an inset to their diploma.

In April 2019, the two institutions strengthened their nearly three-decade-long cooperation: students who started their studies at BME VIK in September 2018 on the German-language BSc in Electrical Engineering will receive a diploma from both universities. The first cohort graduated in the autumn semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, and in March this year, they were the first to receive the Hungarian-German double degree.


Rector’s Cabinet Communications Directorate

Photo: Johanna Vig