Equal Opportunities
For students

Student Equal Opportunities Committee
For detailed information on student equality issues, please visit the website of the Directorate of Sales and Services.
The Student Equal Opportunities Committee is responsible for assessing applications for changes to equal opportunities registrations and conditions of study. Once a month, the Committee discusses the applications it receives and takes a decision or makes a proposal, taking into account the legal and University regulations in force.
Committee Members:
Dr. Rita Mária Kiss, Professor, Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Committee
Barnabás Rajczi, Student Union Member
Julianna Balf, Equal Opportunities Coordinator
For employees
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics is committed to equal treatment and equal opportunities. In view of its obligations pursuant to Act CXXV of 2003 on equal treatment and the promotion of equal opportunitiesand taking into account the comments and opinions of the trade unions represented at the University, the Higher Education Employees' Trade Union and the Civil Servants’ Council, the University has drawn up an Equal Opportunities Plan.

In order to ensure equal treatment and promote equal opportunities as well as to implement the Equal Opportunities Plan in employment, the University is operating an Equal Opportunities Committee(hereinafter referred to as the Committee), whose
voting members are:
Szilvia Ollári | chairperson | Trade Union of Employees in Higher Education - BME |
Dr András Szilágyi | member | Civil Servants’ Council |
Dr Rita Mária Kiss | member | Rector's Office |
Ágnes Gábor | member | Human Resources Directorate |
Dr Kitta Nagy-Tóth | member | Legal and International Directorate |
Dr Mária Holló | member | Ethics Committee |
members with consultation rights:
Brigitta Katona | member | equal opportunities officer |
The Gender Equality Plan (GEP), developed in October 2021 in line with the existing university regulatory framework and national and European policies, will further strengthen the university's commitment to an inclusive institutional culture and the fight against gender discrimination.
Equal Opportunities Committee
e-mail: eselyegyenloseg@bme.hu
Address: H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3. K. ép. I. em. 1.
Equal Opportunities Officer
Brigitta Katona
e-mail: eselyegyenlosegi.referens@bme.hu
Address: H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3. K. ép. I. em. 82.
Photos: Freepik.com/creativeart