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"I promise continuation of joint efforts until I am able to"

2014. 06. 02.

Johannes Kardos was awarded the title of “Honorary Doctor of Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology” at the ceremonial meeting of the Senate of BME.

This year, upon the proposal of Ferenc Faigl, dean of Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Professor Johannes Kardos was awarded Honorary Doctor for his work in bio, environmental and chemical technologies at highest international level. "It is my highest recognition in my life that recalls my four decade long cooperation with the colleagues from BME" – started the visibly moved new Honorary Doctor. He remembers many fruitful consultations especially in the times of launching the International Summer School in Environmental Studies. He is stimulated by this title and promised continuation of joint efforts "until I am able to".

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habilis. Johannes Kardos, was born in Hungary, as János Kardos, and after World War II he was expatriated to the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Despite of many hardships he could graduate as a chemical engineer, built a remarkable professional career, and became the head of the Systemverfahrenstechnik Department at Technische Hochschule Köthen, GDR. His major research field is the chemical process engineering, unit operation, and chemical process synthesis. In Germany, he was the founder of the school of the integrated chemical process design based on the so-called "Pinch technology".

During his professional career he has consistently maintained and cared for the personal and professional relationships with the Hungarian colleagues at the BME. He published a book and thirteen papers with Hungarian co-authors and gave lectures at 22 events in Hungary. He established the PhD students exchange program between the Technische Hochschule  Köthen and BME. In 2007, with the contribution of his colleagues at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering, he founded the International Summer University (ISU) focusing on the renewables and environmental protection. He participated also in the ISU in 2013 when it was organized at BME with his highly acknowledged and appreciated help.

According to the traditions of the University, the Senate confers title Honorary Doctor or Honorary Master to scientists of international reputation, who, besides their outstanding individual academic performance, contribute to the international and domestic recognition of BME with their support to the education and training at the University.

Photos: János Philip