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Research programs involving the entire University

The National Laboratory is a collaborative and institutionalised dynamic venue for the social, economic and environmental utilisation of the research results, opening a new, international dimension for the exploratory and experimental research. Its main priorities include the concentration of the Hungarian professional workshops of a given area, development of competencies that can give a response to global problems on an international level, and the social, economic and environmental utilisation of research results (knowledge transfer). At present 7 National Laboratories are involved in the implementation of priority research projects at BME.


National research programmes

National Laboratories

The National Laboratory is a collaborative and institutionalised dynamic venue for the social, economic and environmental utilisation of the research results, opening a new, international dimension for the exploratory and experimental research. Its main priorities include the concentration of the Hungarian professional workshops of a given area, development of competencies that can give a response to global problems on an international level, and the social, economic and environmental utilisation of research results (knowledge transfer). At present 7 National Laboratories are involved in the implementation of priority research projects at BME.


As a continuation of the programs incentivising institutional excellence so far, Higher Education Excellence Program (FIKP) and Excellence in the Field of Research Program (TKP), the Excellence in the Field of Research Program of 2021 provides support of research-development and innovation activities for the university’s knowledge centres and research site until the end of 2025. The goal of this program is to develop a support system required to promote effective and successful professional activities at the government-founded research and academic institutes at the institutes of higher education. After 2020, the FIKP and TKP programs continued as a construction of integrated support (as institutional excellence and national challenges subprogrammes), with the purpose of the reformed system to further support the efficient professional work at the university knowledge centres and research sites, with a focus on research-development and innovation activities.

Results of the program has been listed in our publication Kiválóság a kutatásban (excellence in research). 


National defence and national security subprogramme:

The protection of the infrastructure, energy supply, natural waters and strategic production

Health subprogramme:

Engineering solutions in the service of health



Horizon Europe is the name of the EU’s research and innovation framework program for the period between 2021 and 2027. This EU priority initiative supports research and innovation from inception until market application of an idea, supplementing national and regional resources. Horizon Europe is the continuation of Horizon 2020. BME is open for cooperation with partners and is fully eligible to participate in Horizon Europe programs. Involvement in consortia is supported by BME’s Competence map, launched in May 2022, which offers abundant information about the competence and results of the BME researchers and research groups, with a focus on helping to find research partners.  


The European Research Council (ERC), set up by the European Union, is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. The ERC Grant is the most prestigious, highly competitive individual excellence grant scheme in European research funding, available in Starting, Consolidator and Advanced categories, adapted to the researcher’ career path. The ERC provides long-term funding for research plans that have the potential to change the way a discipline conducts research. 


The CELSA Research Fund virtual joint research fund was created by the CELSA Board Meeting in 2016. A cooperation agreement was signed by BME and seven European universities (Charles University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Eötvös Loránd University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Semmelweis University, University of Ljubljana and University of Tartu). Two Polish universities (Jagellonian University and University of Warsaw) joined the program later. The goal of the program is to promote the participation of the partner universities in joint research projects, which, through the collaboration of the research teams, helps further develop the quality of successful R+D+I areas, bringing the winning research groups to a level by the end of the project, that offers them good chances of winning prestigious European grants in the future.